Effective interview

Running an effective interview is crucial to identifying the right candidate for your team. Not only does it help in assessing the abilities and fit of potential hires, but it also impacts the candidate’s view of your company. Here are the top ten things you should do to ensure your interviews are as effective as possible:

1. Do Your Homework

Before the interview, thoroughly review the candidate’s resume, cover letter, and any other materials they’ve provided. Understand their career trajectory, accomplishments, and skills. This preparation shows the candidate you value their time and are seriously considering them for the role.

2. Set Clear Objectives

Define what you want to accomplish during the interview. Identify the key skills, experiences, and attributes that the ideal candidate should possess. This will help you stay focused and ensure that the interview covers all necessary topics.

3. Develop a Structured Interview Format

Structure your interview to include an introduction, a series of questions focused on the candidate’s experience and skills, a section for them to ask questions, and a conclusion. This structure helps maintain focus and ensures that you collect the same type of information from all candidates.

4. Ask Open-Ended Questions

Encourage candidates to share their experiences and perspectives by asking open-ended questions. This approach provides deeper insights into their thinking processes, problem-solving abilities, and compatibility with your company culture.

5. Listen Actively

Give candidates your full attention. Active listening involves nodding, maintaining eye contact, and providing feedback. It not only helps you gather information but also builds a rapport with the candidate.

6. Take Notes

Document key points and impressions during the interview. Notes can help you remember specific details and are invaluable when comparing candidates post-interview.

7. Avoid Bias

Be aware of unconscious biases that might influence your judgment. Focus on the candidate’s skills, experiences, and the potential they bring to the role. Ensure questions are relevant and non-discriminatory.

8. Sell the Role and Company

An effective interview is a two-way street. Take time to highlight the benefits of working for your company and the opportunities the role offers. This can increase the candidate’s interest in the position.

9. Clarify Next Steps

End the interview by outlining what the candidate can expect next, including the timeline for a decision and any subsequent steps. Clear communication shows respect for the candidate’s time and reduces uncertainty.

10. Reflect and Evaluate

After the interview, take time to reflect on the candidate’s responses and how well they align with the job requirements and company culture. Consult your notes and compare them against your objectives for the interview.


Effective interviews are essential for finding the right candidate for your team. By preparing thoroughly, asking the right questions, and following these tips, you can enhance your interview process. Not only will this help you identify qualified candidates, but it will also improve the candidate’s experience and your company’s reputation. Remember, the goal is to create a productive dialogue that benefits both the interviewer and the candidate.